Why spend thousands of dollars to buy French reproduction furniture from upscale stores when you can get the same effect from our furniture outlet at pennies on the dollar? Decorating in this style is a hot trend that shows no signs of slowing down. What are your options?
Setting the Mood
Creating a French-inspired mood is as simple as adding a diptych display of a French chateaux and its landscaping. These pieces are photography print sets on vinyl canvas. Hang them together for an optimal display. Putting these in your living room or hallway is an excellent method for adding a bit of French flair.
Underscore the setting with a Vologne Traditional White Wood French Console Table. It features the customary half-oval that is so popular in the grand palaces found near Paris. Centered underneath the artwork, its white finish perfectly complements the blue and ochre tones of the diptych.
Focus on Seating Areas
Another excellent method for expressing your penchant for French decorating is the selection of seating arrangements. Exchange your breakfast bar chairs with French Industrial Modern Bar Stools in black or Counter Stools in white. Industrial Bistro Chairs in antiqued copper look great around the dining room table, while a Clairette Wood Traditional French Accent Chair looks fantastic in your bedroom. Combine three of the latter for an informal seating arrangement in the living room. For comfortable TV watching, the Acton Dark Grey Linen Contemporary French Accent Chair is an ideal final addition.
Going for the Gusto
If you do have thousands to spend, bring them to our furniture outlet. Rather than just buying a couple of pieces, this amount of money allows you to completely revamp your living room with a Baxton Studio Constanza Classic Antiqued French Sofa Set, consisting of an armchair, love seat and sofa. This unbeatable value comes in beige to gray linen, which makes it easy to integrate into any interior décor.
Contact us today to learn more about these great deals and to find out about our delivery policies.